Loris Marazzi, artist and sculptor of modern art in venice - in wood, marble and bronze
Wood project Venice home wood artworks by Loris projects read about Loris and watch him carving wood in his studio in Campo Santa Margherita, Venice order or ask information about his artworks


Mr.Alan Alda with my sculpture Travel Bag

Material: Cirmolo's wood.

Dimension: Real dimension.




Woman body

Material: Cirmolo's wood.

Dimension: Real dimension.



Panties and bra

Material: Cirmolo's wood.

Dimension: Real dimension.



Bar forniture

Material: Cirmolo's wood.

Dimension: Real dimension.




Bar forniture

Material: Cirmolo's wood.

Dimension: Real dimension.



Sexy woman underwear in wood


Material: Cirmolo's wood.

Dimension: Real dimension.

Weight: 1,5 kg.

I make sculptures also in marble and bronze even for outside and swimming pool.

Every sculpturs has the date, is signed and is certificated from "Le Belle Arti" Institute of Venice. Don't accept imitation.

Copyright © 2002-2007 Loris Marazzi - All rights reserved
  Some more example ? Look at these...


  Socks in wood


Material: Cirmolo's wood.

Dimension: Real dimension.

I make sculptures also in marble and bronze even for outside and swimming pool.

Every sculpturs has the date, is signed and is certificated from "Le Belle Arti" Institute of Venice. Don't accept imitation.




  Table books in wood

Table Books

Material: Cirmolo's wood.

Glass small table with wood books

Dimensions: 27.5" W x 17.5" D x 16.5" H.
Actually I'm doing a big one of these tables for a customer, for his kitchen in Santa Cruz (California, USA). You can easily clean the glass, without damaging the sculpture!

The books are fixed each other and the table can easily be moved. Can be ordered with different dimensions




Loneliness in wood  


The huge man comes out of this block and his strength is expressed by the powerful hand that lies softly covering his face.

But despite appearing so big and strong he hides a
"Great Solitude".


Dimensions: 80 x 70 x 70 cm.
Weight: 90 kg.






Cushion in wood


cushion bar




Material: Cirmolo's wood.

This cushion bar has been carefully designed to provide the best confort.

I make sculptures also in marble and bronze even for outside and swimming pool.

Every sculpturs has the date, is signed and is certificated from "Le Belle Arti" Institute of Venice. Don't accept imitation.

Some more examples?
Look at these..

This chair has been carefully designed to provide the best confort. This chair has been carefully designed to provide the best confort.

The intellectual's rest

Composition of two books and an old cushion in the '700 Veneziano style sculptured in the center.

This chair has been carefully designed to provide the best confort.


"Arts Biennial of Venice 2009""

Bevor die große Kunst kommt
Was Venedig immer hat: Kurz vor Beginn der Biennale zeigen die lokalen Galerien ihre


Morgen eröffnet die Biennale in Venedig, ihre Besucher werden bis zum 22. November die Stadt belagern. Schon bevor dieses Spektakel losgeht, nutzen die lokalen Galerien und ihre Kunstler die Gunst der Stunde und die bereits angereiste Prominez, um zu zeigen, was sie interessiert. Verkanautschte Regenmäntel und feinst gelochte Budapester Schuhe, ein Büstenhalter samt weiteren Dessous auf einer Wäscheleine: Die aus hellem Holz verblüffend naturgetreu geschnitzten Objekte waren auf Venedigs Plakatwänden in den Wochen vor der Biennale nahezu allgegenwärting. Loris Marazzi heißt der vierzigjährige Künstler, ein offensichtlich sehr marketingbewusster venezianischer Bildhauer, der sein skurriles, wenn auch handwerklich perfektes (Euvre im eigenen, sehr praktisch gegenüber von Peggy Guggenheims Museum gelegenen Studio präsentiert und zwischen 1100 un 20000 Euro für seine holzgeschniten Alltagsmotive verlangt....>>>>

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